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1575 7th St. W. Ste. 104, Saint Paul, MN 55102
Call or Text: 612.567.9045
Important Note About Communication Privacy
Email is not a confidential form of communication and should not be used to share sensitive or private health information. If you are an established client, you may securely message me through the client portal. If you prefer encrypted email, please request that I initiate contact through my secure email system. Additionally, I have a HIPAA-compliant telephone service available for calls and texts.
Call or Text: 612.567.9045
Important Note About Communication Privacy
Email is not a confidential form of communication and should not be used to share sensitive or private health information. If you are an established client, you may securely message me through the client portal. If you prefer encrypted email, please request that I initiate contact through my secure email system. Additionally, I have a HIPAA-compliant telephone service available for calls and texts.